Index: Writing by Aidan Wakely-Mulroney


Academic Writing

Political Science

Modelling International Groups: The Relation Between Goals, Power, and Effectiveness

Thesis: Canada and the Future of the G-20

Moral & Political Philosophy

Thesis: Does Charity Begin at Home?

Worms in the Entrails: Is Federalism Consistent with Kantian Sovereignty?

Economics & Mathematics

North America During the Great Recession: Calculating the Severity Index in States, Provinces, and US Counties

Total Least Squares Estimation in Microsoft Excel, Generating Trendlines for Statistical Distributions in Excel, and macro-free Excel Solvers for the Roots of Cubic Equations and the Extreme Point of Quartics


In Which We Engage in a Forest Walk With Time, and Thereby Gain a Revelation

The King of Mirrors


The Rime of the Troubl’d Student


A Mantra

Translations of Poems & Songs

Opening Lines of Tristan und Isolde

Life is a Dream: Translation of “La Vie Est Un Songe,” by Jacques Des Barreaux

The Disinherited One: Translation of “El Desdichado” by Gerard de Nerval

All Thoughts of Mine: Translation of “All mein’ Gedanken,” as set by Johannes Brahms

Night and Dreams: Translation of “Nacht und Träume,” as set by Franz Schubert

Op-Eds (so far unpublished...)

Improve Access to the Filtration Plant—Build the Boardwalk and Bring a Bus! (Submitted to and rejected by the Beach Metro News)

Op-Ed for Toronto: Pools and Cars Don’t Mix: Divert the Traffic off Woodbine and Onto Coxwell (Submitted to and rejected by the Beach Metro News)